AI Insights

From Senior Data Scientist to Paid Omdena Projects, to Becoming a Technical Mentor

September 26, 2022

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Abhishek Singh Rathore from India is an experienced data scientist with an outstanding history of working and delivering quality results in complex projects. He has completed several Omdena Challenges, upon which he became an Omdena Top Talent to work on paid gigs with companies.

He is skilled in R, Python, Hive, Tableau, and various concepts in data science. He has more than 10 years of industry experience in solving problems and building solutions. Abhishek is an expert in building AI solutions and educating people about artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning. Moreover, he’s a poet.

What is your background? 

I am an engineer who built a thermal power plant and then did an MBA. Later, I shifted to data science. Since then I have been working as a data scientist. I have an overall experience of 10 yearssplit into the power sector and analytics sector as 3,5 years and 6,5 years respectively.

When and how did you join Omdena? What was the reason?

I started my journey with Omdena in November 2020 after seeing their post on LinkedIn. I was very interested in the variety of use cases offered as part of  Omdena´s  AI Challenges. I was already in the data science field and thought that Omdena would be a good platform to learn/apply skills to different real-world problems.

Abhishek´s Omdena certificate

Abhishek´s Omdena certificate

What technical solution did you build recently in a project?

I worked on a challenge where we built a search engine to find similar textiles based on textile images. Thanks, Omdena for this wonderful project. This challenge was very different both from a technical standpoint and the expectation of my role, but I am glad it all went well and I ended up getting promoted to the responsibility of a Technical Mentor. 

Abhishek´s Omdena certificate for getting promoted to a technical mentor

Abhishek´s Omdena certificate for getting promoted to a technical mentor

Some of the projects Abhishek took part in:

Abhishek during work

Abhishek during work

What was the biggest obstacle you overcame recently?

I became a bit lethargic during covid and it continued for some time, but recently I was able to overcome it, then I restarted my sports activities including cycling and MMA (Mixed Martial Arts). I write poetry, this is my blog. I also like photography and teaching. I have been teaching data science for the last 4 years as a part-time activity and used to teach math/robotics in NGOs before that.

Photo taken by Abhishek during Diwali (festival of lights) in India

Photo taken by Abhishek during Diwali (festival of lights) in India

What key skills did you learn through the Omdena experience?

In terms of soft skills, talking to collaborators from different parts of the world helped me understand and appreciate the impact of collaboration.

Ready to test your skills?

If you’re interested in collaborating, apply to join an Omdena project at:

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