AI Insights

Omdena Partners with DataCamp to Give Free Access to All Higher Education Students and Teachers

April 12, 2022

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In 2017, DataCamp, the leading platform for data science education, launched DataCamp for Classrooms to give free access to their platform to all higher education students and teachers worldwide. This program meant sacrificing 10% of their annual revenue at the time, but it also meant respecting three core principles: i) education is a basic human right, ii) democratizing data science on a global scale, and, iii) respecting teachers’ and students’ integrity and not considering them as cash cows. This year, DataCamp for Classrooms is celebrating its 5th anniversary, and the 650,000 teachers and students around the world have benefited from free access to data science education.

A project will be launched on 30 June, 2022 to invite qualified web scrapers and data entry enthusiasts to help DataCamp’s mission of giving free access to data science education to as many Indian students and teachers as possible. Their goal will be to assemble a list of all secondary education institutions present in the whole country, with two primary elements: i) the name of the school and ii) its unique email domain. Additional information to be provided will include the school’s main email, website, address, city, province, postcode, and telephone number.

This project is part of a larger goal to expand DataCamp for Classrooms to all secondary schools in the world. Indeed, in 2021, as part of their effort to democratize data science education and spread data literacy, DataCamp decided to extend its free offer to teachers and students in high schools located in the UK, and the US. This move was saluted by Google’s former CEO, Eric Schmidt during the Data Science for Everyone event in 2021. Their goal is to expand this free offer to all secondary schools globally. Currently high school teachers and students in the US, UK, and Belgium can benefit from DataCamp access for free, and we look forward to adding India and other countries to that list.

DataCamp partnered with Omdena, one of the organizations they are supporting for free with DataCamp licenses through DataCamp Donates, to give free access to DataCamp to all secondary schools in India. DataCamp Donates is the second company’s CSR program launched in 2020 aimed at supporting socially conscious organizations with free DataCamp access for their members. Today, over 30,000 scholarships have been given to their partner organizations in over 100 countries in less than 2 years. Omdena has been a DataCamp Donates partner since the program’s very first year of existence. Omdena is one of the world’s largest knowledge and code databases in the world allowing global actors to solve digital issues through AI skill crowdsourcing. This partnership was created with DataCamp to support Omdena’s global community of aspiring data professionals wanting to apply their skills on real-world projects with free access to one of the most comprehensive data science education platforms.

Omdena is a long-time partner to DataCamp Donates and we are grateful to help their community develop their tech skills as well their careers. We share the same mission of enabling global communities to grow and access more information through tech. We are honored to receive their invaluable assistance to help us extend the reach of our Classrooms program in India and ultimately make the world a more data literate place.”—Nathaniel Taylor-Leach, Social Impact Manager, DataCamp

“Omdena is glad to be part of DataCamp for Classrooms initiative to give free access to their platform to all higher education students and teachers worldwide. We start this partnership for India and look forward to expanding in other countries”

– Rudradeb Mitra, CEO Omdena Inc.

By supporting DataCamp’s endeavors in India, you take part in a bigger mission of giving access to equal opportunities to disadvantaged communities all around the world. Data science will soon be considered a basic skill in tomorrow’s world and we should contribute to reducing this potential skill gap, facilitating this transition, and helping societies start fresh in this new era.

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