Omdena Academy Courses

Develop Production-Level Machine Learning Models using MLRun

December 29, 2023

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For whom is this course?

Data Scientists and ML Engineers from students to seniors.

What will you learn?

What are good habits in the 3 phases of a model’s life cycle – Data Preparation, Development, and Deployment.

  • How MLRun is built to adopt good habits into your work.
  • How MLRun integrates into existing code and enables quality of life features like Automatic Logging, Model Management, and Distributed Training.
  • Use MLRun’s model development tools to train classifiers on the classic, known, and loved Iris and MNIST datasets.


  • Install MLRun on your computer
  • Work with Jupyter notebooks.
  • Very basic SciKit-Learn and TensorFlow background.


  • What is the model life cycle?
  • MLRun – The Open Source MLOps Orchestration Framework.
  • MLRun’s model development features – Automatic Logging, Model Management, and Distributed Training.
  • Iris demo – Train and deploy an Iris classifier.
  • MNIST demo – Train and deploy a handwritten digits classifier.


Course Info

Duration2 hours
Start DateJuly 10, 2022
Last Registration DateJuly 3, 2022
No of Students50
Skill Levelintermediate

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