Omdena Academy Courses

Computer Vision Algorithms for Real-World Problems

December 29, 2023

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For whom is this course?

The course is for the beginner and intermediate enthusiastic machine learning engineers who is interested in the application of computer vision to real-world problems.

What will you learn?

You will be able to learn and apply algorithms after understanding different data types, computer vision algorithms, and real-world projects.


  • Python
  • Understanding of computer vision algorithms, different data, CV algorithms and projects


  • Fundamentals of algorithms and data
  • Understanding machine learning models and applying them to computer vision
  • Neural networks (NNs) and working processes of NNs
  • Deep learning concepts for CV and applying them for object detection and classification
  • The concept of pre-trained models and transfer learning


Course Info

Duration15 hours
Start DateJuly 17, 2022
Last Registration DateJuly 12, 2022
No of Students100
Skill Levelintermediate

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